domingo, 10 de abril de 2011


My name is luis carlos I am 21 years old,  I study  Mechanical Engineering I like Sports in special the taekwondo, I have been practicing taekwondo for four years ,I am in green-blue grade I have competed in some tournaments and i have won several medals and trophies


 A countinued you can find the imformation basic about of taekwondo

Ver imagen en tamaño completo

You can find diferent grade in the taekwondo

1. white
2. yellow
3. yellow-green
4. green
5. green-blue
6. blue
7. blue-red
8. red
9. red-black
10. black

Techniques of feet

The numbers in Corean

  • Hana: one
  • Dul: two
  • Set: three
  • Net: four
  • Dasot: five
  • Iosot: six
  • Il cop: seven
  • Io do: eight
  • Ajop: nine 
  • Iol: ten 
Techniques of  foot
  • Ap Chaki: Front Kick 
  • Yop Chaki: Side kick     

  • Yop Chanoki: Advancing side kick      
  • Tolia Chaki:  Roundhouse kick  

  • Chiko Chaki: Kick down        
  • Furio Chaki: Hook Kick   

Techniques of  hand

  • Are Maki: Low defense    
  • Montomg an Maki: Defensa interior
  • Montomg Bakat Maki: Defensa Exterior
  • Olgul Maki: Defensa Alta
  • Son Nal Montong Maki: Defensa de mano de cuchillo media
  • Son Nol Are Maki: Defensa doble
  • Pal Cup Piocho Chik: Golpe con el codo
  • Son Kut Chilgui: Golpe con la punta de los dedos
  • Turio Noki: Golpe de puño invertido
  • Montong Yop Chirugui: Golpe con el puño posición de caballo

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


In this video you can see of the olimpyc and the diferent techniques the fight

You can see the diferent kicks acrobatic



Taekwondo is a young martial art with an ancient history. In its modern form it was systemitized by General Choi Hong Hi in 1954-55. At that time it was given the name Taekwondo. Ever since the remote past man has been anxious to develop his martial mastery.That was his way to make his living and to defend himself against enemies - other men and the wild animals. Gradually that striving led to the formation of martial arts. Their development continues to nowadays as well as human desire for self-perfection. Although Taekwondo was formed in its modern style during the middle of the 20th century it was natural continuation of the evolution of the Korean martial arts and to be more precise - of the traditional Taek Kyon (its characteristic high kicks are the basic of Taekwondo techniques) and Subak. That's the reason why we find it necessary to trace the history of the Korean martial arts back to their origin.